Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tray and Koby

Every time we gave Trayvin and Koby the hose they were entertained for a while it was usually us taking it away from them. It's always way cute to watch, they would just laugh at each other!
Getting a drink
In the face
Tray usually had the hose he would just take it from Koby every time, yeah he is the bossy kid already I think he has the 3rd kid syndrome, he has to just take it if he wants it. I know it's not a good thing I am trying to teach him to be nice Koby is just so sweet he just wants to play he will just look at you like what happened.
I think Koby is telling Tray a secret lol!!!Tray is always the mean kid and Koby just looks up like is someone going to take care of this, I don't know why it's like this but they are so funny together.
Some times they play good together and other's they are fighting over something it's so fun to watch.Trayvin would play in water all the time if I let him, he really had fun in the hose, and the sprinklers.

There was one time at night where we were all bathed and ready for bed and all of a sudden I was sitting there and was thinking it was really quiet. I just started to think where is Tray, I went in the back yard and he was in his P.J's playing in the sprinklers it was the cutest thing he was laughing so hard. I was so mad I didn't take a picture my camera was getting fixed. I just don't want to for get it cause it was so cute.


  1. Welcome to the blogging world. I will have to add you to my blog, so that we can keep up.

  2. Hey Mindy! Hope you don't mind me finding your blog. :) Don't know if you would want to see mine, but if you do email me at and I'll send you an invite.

  3. Those 2 boys are so cute! You can totally tell that what one of them doesn't think of, the other will!

  4. holy cow... you finally came to your senses and got a blog :) super cute!
