Friday, January 14, 2011

The war

Mindy- drenched Jeromy with a huge bowl of freezing water

Jeromy- Attempt to toilet paper. "got caught before they started" I did let them finish lol

Mindy- Return the TP with some #2 I figured they might need the left over in these economical times.

Jeromy- He gave them a cast the night before school started, which was fun for the kids. It didn't affect me to much but it was a good one.

Mindy- Shawn, Tara, and I put alarm clocks in the air vents in his room. It took him 2 nights to figure it out. I did get the wrong ones they went off after a few minutes, my bad...

Jeromy- The fish in my bath tub. We came home to this, Shantiell was sweet to help clean the mess of this one.
Mindy- The day the bulldogs played the Pirates, we decorated the cars GO PIRATES!!! He either had to wash them before he went to the game or go with decked out cars for the Pirates. He did wash them... Thanks Toblers for your help

Well I think this is it and as you can see I was the last one to prank, so I guess I won or maybe he has a good one planned lol... We will have to see.

I will admit he has had some good one's. Wish I had a few more pictures

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