Friday, September 4, 2009

Boy's are trouble!!!

These 3 boys are TroUbLe I was at my mom's staying with Grandma Sue for a week while they were gone and most of the time I had to split the boys and Grandma up. They are always driving her crazy well I had told her to go and lay down for a little while well I went in on the computer for a little while OOOPS, don't leave them alone. All of a sudden I hear Grandma saying "What are you guys doing this is a mess" I thought in my head this is going to be bad. I came out there and saw about 15 apples, oranges, and Peaches all over the ground with a bite out of most of them. Normally I would be so mad over something like this but there faces were just way to cute!!! So we just laughed at them, Gavin was the instigator on all of this I think...I love Koby's face right here.
What a mess!!!
I guess they were hungry, I did leave them out there with a plate of grapes before I went on the compute, I guess they wanted something else...
These boys just want to all be together and I think we will have a lot more stories just like this one they are all 3 TrOuBle but way cute so maybe they will be able to get out of most of there problems lol!!!

1 comment:

  1. that's so funny! my kids, especially mason will do that - take a bite and leave it. it must be a boy thing :)
